
Kibons 1-5

Testing Poomsae for 9th Gup (white belt with yellow stripe)


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Kibon 1

Kibon 3

Kibon 5

Kibon 2

Kibon 4


Taegeuk Poomsae


Testing Poomsae for 8th Gup

(Yellow Belt)


Testing Poomsae for 6th Gup

(Green Belt)

Testing Poomsae for 7th Gup

(Yellow Belt with Green Stripe)


Testing Poomsae for 5th Gup

(Green Belt with Blue Stripe)


Testing Poomsae for 4th Gup

(Blue Belt)


Testing Poomsae for 2nd Gup

(Brown Belt)


Testing Poomsae for 3rd Gup

(Blue Belt with Brown Stripe)


Testing Poomsae for 1st Gup

(Red Belt)


Black Belt Poomsae


Testing Poomsae for 1st Dan/Poome


Seonbi Sa - The spirit of an upright Seonbi, or man of virtue/warrior.

Kukkiwon Poomsae Video


Testing Poomsae for 2nd Dan/Poome


Moe San - The strong and unshakable warrior, Geumgang Mountain.

Kukkiwon Poomsae Video


Testing Poomsae for 3rd Dan/Poome


Jangin Gong - The will of Venus to light the whole world through Taekwondo and the Artisan

Kukkiwon Poomsae Video


Testing Poomsae for 4th Dan Master


Han Il - The human will to control the body and mind, and to protect the peaceful plains from domination and pillage.

Kukkiwon Poomsae Video


Master Poomsae


Testing Poomsae for 5th Dan Master


Yeol Sip - Training, which expands infinitely, like a number, and like the hope for longevity, like the 10 symbols for longevity.

Kukkiwon Poomsae Video


Testing Poomsae for 6th Dan Master


Hangeul Moeum - The initiate that stands firmly on land to train in Taekwondo, is the korean vow, Oh.

Kukkiwon Poomsae Video


Testing Poomsae for 7th Dan Master


- The infinite potential of the sky, change and completion.

Kukkiwon Poomsae Video


Grand Master Poomsae


Testing Poomsae for 8th Dan Grand Master


Mul Su - Unity harmonized by the movement of attack and defense/ like the movement of water.

Kukkiwon Poomsae Video


Testing Poomsae for 9th Dan Grand Master


Manja Man - Isometry and equilibrium

Kukkiwon Poomsae Video



For anyone interested in getting feedback on their poomsae, please check out the following links for submission on Flipgrid. Mr. Moore, one of our black belts, and a current ACDKL Board Member, has set up this service for us. The first link is to get started on Flipgrid, the second is to submit.

To request a password, or if you have any questions about Flipgrid, please contact Mr. Moore at