New and Current ACDKL Member Information

**Active Black Belt Requirements**

ACDKL Bylaws

New Member Application Form - print out

Safe Sports Act Requirement Letter

ACDKL Insurance Policy

For the updated version of the ACDKL New Student Registration form, contact us a and we will send you the Google Doc version so you can put your club information in the appropriate places. You can view the changes made at the link below.

*ACDKL New Student Registration Form*


*Current Black Belts* - if you have any changes from your previous Black Belt Registration forms, please download the Black Belt Membership Registration Form in PDF format and submit it through email to

Online Current Black Belt Registration RENEWAL Form

When you select submit at the end of the form, you will be taken to the product page to add the $50 Black Belt Registration Fee to your cart.

Active ACDKL Black Belt Member REQUIREMENTS

*REQUIRED for Head Instructors*

Background Check with Sterling Volunteers - The ACDKL now REQUIRES all head instructors of any club to submit a background check. It is recommended that any black belt instructing at a club or working with children, ages 17 and younger, also submit a background check to the ACDKL . Click on the link to send a request email to our Administrator. The Administrator will send a background check invitation through Sterling Volunteers. If you have previously had a background check performed in the last year, you can submit that to the administrator.

*REQUIRED for all active Black Belt Members working with children under the age of 18*

SafeSport Trained Certification - Understand the core concepts behind creating a safe and positive sport environment and learn how to identify, prevent and respond to issues of misconduct.

  • *IMPORTANT NOTE - You will need to go to the SafeSport Trained link, which does cost $20. You will also need to register. When doing so, at the bottom of the form, where it asks to select a membership, choose “Not Affiliated.” Once you have completed all 3 of the courses, please send the PDF’s of your certification to

**NOTICE** - If you have already taken the SafeSports Trained Certification Course or had a background check performed for another organization this year, please send documentation to our Administrator at

(There are free trainings you can take for your own knowledge. The ACDKL requires that the SafeSport Trained certification be completed annually to be considered an Active Black Belt.)

*If you have a club with only adult members, 16 years and older, then you might want to consider the below training for Adult Athletes.

*SafeSport Training for Adult Athletes - Training on making the sport environment safe and positive, designed for athletes over age 18 who do not have regular contact with or authority over minor athletes. Please note: if your National Governing Body requires you to complete the SafeSport Trained course, this course will not satisfy that requirement.